Black Student Nurses Affinity Group

The Black Student Nurses Affinity Group (Formerly Black Student Nurses Organization) strives to provide resources and support to self-identified nursing students to ensure successful completion of their respective VUSN Graduate Program. Membership offers exposure to mentorship, networking, and collaboration with peers, faculty, and staff and serves as a means of social support through formal and informal communication and events. We also host activities that allow students to explore the role of advanced practiced nursing in various capacities and promote black cultural awareness in health care.

Each academic year culminates with the Black Student Nurses Affinity Group sponsoring VUSN Diversity Month and Diversity Day when we collaborate with other affinity and community groups to host lectures and panel discussions and present research posters that highlight topics significant to social and cultural diversity. Our VUSN-supported diversity events promote the recognition of different ethnic and cultural heritages.

Group Leadership

Student Leadership 

Faculty Advisors


Our mission is to support the sociocultural needs of VUSN Black/African American students, facilitate peer mentorship, assist students in exploring the role of advanced practiced nurses, and to serve as a resource network for students. We are committed to advocate, educate, empower, motivate, and enrich our membership through organized activities, events, and meetings. BSNAG is guided by the principle that African American nurses have the understanding, knowledge, interest, concern and the expertise to make a significant difference in the health care of all communities across the nation.


The Black Student Nurses Affinity Group was founded in the 1990s by a group of VUSN African American students who felt a need for an organization that focused on the socio-cultural needs of African American nursing students.


Membership is open to any nursing student who identifies as Black/African-American or any nursing student regardless of race or ethnicity who desires to support our mission.

Membership is on-going through the academic year and is available by contacting a Faculty Advisor to be added to the listserv.

BSNAG membership is unrestricted by consideration of age, color, creed, handicap, sexual orientation, lifestyle, nationality, race, religion or gender.

Student leadership is elected annually by the membership at the first meeting in August.

Standing Meeting Time

Meetings are currently held via Zoom on every 2nd Monday of the month.