Honor Council

Vanderbilt Honor Code

Vanderbilt University students pursue all academic endeavors with integrity. They conduct themselves honorably, professionally and respectfully in all realms of their studies in order to promote and secure an atmosphere of dignity and trust. The keystone of our honor system is self-regulation, which requires cooperation and support from each member of the University community.

Honor Council Officers 2023-24

  • President: Rocky Clippinger
  • Vice President: Lucas Cajiao
  • Secretary: Amber Bonema

Peer Advisers

  • Mary Claire Sumner
  • Maureen Diezman
  • Mary Gonclaves
  • Bonnie Groeneveld
  • Gabreille Jones

Faculty Advisors

Reporting a Suspected Violation

A student or faculty member who suspects that the Honor Code has been violated may want to consult with one of the Honor Council Advisers. Faculty should refer to the Faculty Manual for their responsibilities in regard to the Honor Code. A suspected violation of the Honor Code must be reported to the Honor Council after the student or instructor become aware of the suspected violation. The suspected violation should be reported using the Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, and Academic Integrity’s online portal

Additional Information

For more information on the VUSN honor code, view the Student Handbook.