Career Services

Job Posting Resources for VUSN Students and Alumni

The School of Nursing directs all employers to post jobs on one of these three sites:

  • Liquid Compass – bank of job openings from health care employers across the U.S. that is updated daily. Website provides a clear picture of every employer and every opening that fits the criteria for the perfect job. Save time by viewing all available options.
  • Nurses Lounge – nursing and faculty job listings throughout the U.S. Over 6,000 medical facilities are members of Nurses Lounge. Site offers specific job listings, refinable search tools, and direct links to employers’ websites.
  • VU Connect – job listings are specifically for Vanderbilt alumni and experienced graduate/professional students. Search in Alumni Programs, then Career Resources. Nursing positions are posted in these categories: counseling/psychology, education, health care-other, health care-practitioner/technician, and science-research & development. Job search information is also available.


The Vanderbilt University School of Nursing (VUSN) does not screen or censor listings offered through these job board websites. As a result, VUSN makes no representations about the accuracy and validity of positions listed on this job board. It is the job seeker's responsibility to take the necessary precautions when interviewing or accepting positions, and she or he is responsible for obtaining necessary information concerning the employer.