Dean's Letter

January 2015

Dear Alumni and friends,

Dean Linda Norman

Welcome to the first installment of a monthly electronic communication aimed to update you about the most relevant activities and news from the School of Nursing.

As we start the New Year, we are starting our transition from reporting to the Vice Chancellor of the Medical Center to reporting to the Vanderbilt University Provost. I encourage you to read the article for yourself and see how new structure will strengthen all Vanderbilt entities. This transition will take 12 to 18 months to complete and I do not anticipate any visible changes to the School as a result.

I am also delighted to share with you the most recent Scholarly Nurse, which showcases the breadth and depth of our faculty outside the walls of the School. It is reflective of our never-wavering investment in research and scholar to advance our beloved field of nursing. And rounding out this issue, I wanted to provide a look back at our Fall Reunion, with an article that illustrates the timeless connection between graduate and alma mater.


Linda Norman, DSN, RN, FAAN
Valere Potter Menefee Professor of Nursing
Dean, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

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