BSN Entry to DNP: Application Instructions

  1. Start application at
  2. Select program of nursing practice, not a specialty.
  3. Select DNP degree.
  4. On the Nursing DNP page, answer questions as indicated.
  5. Complete all other portions of the application. Be sure your academic history includes names of all colleges/universities attended even if you only took a few courses at that school.
  6. Enter the names of three people who hold a doctoral degree (DNP, PhD, MD and the like) on your recommendation list. If you are unable to obtain three doctoral reference, upload a statement of explanation from your application status page after you have submitted the application.
  7. Request that the school Registrar send your official transcripts to:

    Vanderbilt’s Center for Data Management
    Vanderbilt University
    PMB 407833
    2301 Vanderbilt Place
    Nashville, TN 37240-7833

    If your school uses an electronic transcript service such as Parchment, Naviance, Docufide or Scrip Safe, have your University Registrar send the transcript to

  8. Submit the application and pay the $50 application fee by credit card.