Vanderbilt Nurse Magazine

Current Issue - Summer 2023

Past Issues

About the Magazine

  • Publication

    Vanderbilt Nurse is published twice a year by the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in cooperation with Vanderbilt University Communications and Marketing.

  • Staff

    Nancy Wise

    Design and Art Direction
    Tim Kovick, FINN Partners, Nashville
    Anita Dey, FINN Partners, Nashville

    Contributing Editors
    Janine Kelbach, BSN, WriteRN
    Seth Robertson

    Contributing Writers
    Judy Campbell
    Leslie Feldman
    Tatum Lyles Flick
    Betsey Usher, MEd’95
    Amy Wolf

    Dina Bahan
    Joe Howell, MLAS’13
    Damon Pledger
    Anne Rayner
    John Russell
    Caroline Taylor
    Susan Urmy
    Dale Zanine

    Megan Clancy, BA’03

    Cover Photograph
    Dean Dixon

  • Editorial Office
    Communications and Marketing
    Vanderbilt University School of Nursing
    461 21st Ave. S., 117 Godchaux Hall
    Nashville, TN 37240

  • VUSN Alumni Office and Association
    Betsey Usher, Director, Alumni Relations
    461 21st Avenue S.
    Nashville, TN 37240
    (615) 322-4836

  • Reader Comments

    The editor welcomes letters and comments from readers at:
    Vanderbilt Nurse Editor
    461 21st Ave. S. Nashville, Tennessee, 37240