Women’s Health Gender-Related Nurse Practitioner/Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Placements

We view clinical placements as more than an educational requirement. These rich, immersion experiences are an integral part of your advanced practice nursing education and career preparedness. Clinical placement is a complex process and shared responsibility between you, your faculty and the School’s Clinical Placement Office.

We are committed to providing sites that meet both learning objectives and student needs. These sites include primary care settings such as internal medicine offices, medical centers, community clinics, ambulatory care centers and specialty clinics.

We understand the personal logistics and planning that go into the clinical portions of your education. Your faculty and the Clinical Placement Department will assist you with planning for your clinical rotations.

Due to State Board of Nursing or State Higher Education requirements, clinical placements may not be available in every location. We make every reasonable effort to accommodate a student’s placement requests.

Vanderbilt University is a participating institution in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). Vanderbilt is approved to offer programs and courses, such as the MSN, PMC, DNP and PhD programs, that are in compliance with SARA policies and standards.